Computers for Charities "Be Part of the Journey"
CfC Supporting Charities & Community. Locally,
Nationally & Worldwide Since 1994
We would Love to hear from you. Please Get in
- Please Note: Cemetery Lodge, BN27
3LJ is a postal address only and is unable to accept Medium / Large
Packages / Parcels / Deliveries. Items need to be sent or taken to
our Eastbourne Workshop. Details available on request.
CfC Team & Contact
Workshop - (+44) 01323 848588
Call Divert: CfC operates a Call Divert system
to ensure contactability. Answering delays maybe experienced for
which we can only apologise. Thank you
General information
Deliveries, Appointments, etc. Held at our
Eastbourne Workshop. Please Tel: 01323 848588 or email for
Free I.T Technical Advice available for
Voluntary Organisations, Charities, etc. Need advice for a new
project, Issues with existing computer equipment / systems. Just
drop us a line in the boxes below. Here to Help.
Thank you
Simon Rooksby
Chairman - Computers for Charities
Organisational Structure include:
Computers for Charities. Charity No: 1107802
Recycling for Charities. Charity No: 1109109
Computers for Charities Trading Ltd: Limited Company:
5555340 Vat No: 876454384
Please Note: CfC is not affiliated to any
other organisation operating or using the name Computers for
Charity, Computers4Charity or similar