African Schools Online - ICT Educational Program -

Developing Sustainable ICT models

African Schools on Line (ASOL)

Enabling first time ICT Access & Opportunities to benefit Children, Schools & communities across the world!

ASOL is a tested ICT (Information and Communications Technology) educational program (Information and Communications Technology) providing first time IT access for Secondary education in developing countries. (Born in Africa, applications worldwide)

Facts: Figures suggest 800 million+ children lack the most basic resources including clean drinking water access, taken much for granted by the 20% Western world's population, let alone the increasing global dependence on IT.

Our process is more, than simply shipping computers. It requires a package to ensure true sustainability & Sponsors to make it happen!


Providing sustainable ICT access for Overseas Secondary Schools in remote and poorest regions Worldwide.

The Package provides:

Prepared computer systems

Teacher training

Curriculum development

Business planning

etc .


Born in Africa. Zimbabwe to be precise ASOL has grown worldwide. A random enquiry from Stephen Ibbs of Data Developments in Wolverhampton.

"My father used to be a teacher in Zimbabwe could you supply computers for the three schools he taught"... From this beginning "African schools on line" was born and developed into an innovative educational program..., much more than sending our old computers to faraway places.

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Advice, Support, Educational resources Worldwide

Global Support. Please Get in touch!

Computers for Charities "Be Part of the Journey"

CfC Provides impartial Project Advice & Assistance to Organisations Worldwide since 1994

Advice Available:

CfC has wide ranging experience, which is freely available to all seeking to help their communities develop & grow.

(Please be aware CfC does not operate as shippers or funders. We primarily offer Free project development support / Advice to aid IT development & educational needs)

  • Regardless Please get in touch and share you Vision & be aware for any project support undertaken by CfC. We operate a strict vetting process, including site visits to Projects & Countries requesting support.

NB: Please be aware Import restrictions within countries varies. i.e. Uganda prohibit importation of used electrical equipment or others without duty free exemptions (Please check before making contact)

Project support available include:

  1. Computer Hardware Refurbishment Course

Teaching Materials developed by Computers for Charities include;

  • Course Overview, Course Criteria, Workbooks Units 1 -7. Hard Copy Only.
  • Please Note: Income raised from sales of materials, directly assists Secondary education in developing countries via our African Schools on Line program

Suited for Secondary level Curriculum and Training Centre application. A flexible and established course, Includes full teaching materials and now available too Overseas Education Ministries seeking additional syllabus tools & NGO's operating Educational or Vocational Training Centres

  • A flexible program, providing Practical / Theory skills to enable Computer Refurbishment / Repairs. Also suited in combination with higher level IT Training i.e: Cisco / Microsoft
  • Strong interest has been received, including meetings with London Based Educational Attaches, keen to see & hear how this resource can provide wider educational benefits and skills for children in secondary or college education worldwide. Fully suitable for adult education / training
  • This innovative Computer Hardware course providing practical and theoretical key skills in Computer repairs, Recycling, Health & Safety and more. Suitable as a Science or vocational subject for 14 - 95 year olds, providing a stepping stone to higher education and employment
  • Optional NPA Level 4 award SQA More information (Click this Link)
  • More information. Click the Link or Call: Telephone +(44) 01323 848588 or email Simon via this Link

2. " African Schools on Line"

Schools and community ICT program not just for Africa operating Worldwide. More information via this Link

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"Be Part of the Journey"

Locally, Nationally & Worldwide

"Be Part of the Journey"

Directly with CfC or through the organisations and projects we support

From workers in Romania, School children in Zimbabwe, Offenders in Prison or even todays caller

Our slogan aptly describes the organisations ethos " Passionate about People". Our aim to offer security, acceptance and dignity to all we encounter.

Whilst capacity limits what ideally can be offered, whatever the circumstances we try to give every one a chance.

  • Some successes and some failures

Ukrainian Association Great Britain (Eastbourne Branch)

CfC is proud to support the Association and its members since 2023 from the Eastbourne, East Sussex area. Providing space for a Hub to offer weekly meeting space. Plus enabling all year round activities for Children & adults… Support we are wanting to extend to other such groups across the locality

Bob - Sussex

Bob is one such fellow. He was referred by a local agency and now attends of his own choosing. His schooling was undertaken at a school for children with special needs, he was bullied to the extent of having bricks thrown at him by his peers. As with all new volunteers, we ask that they write a short life history to help us get to know them better.

Bob has mental health issues, which have not made it easy to get a job. Still living at home with his older brother and parents now well into their 70's.

Bob writes about his volunteering at CfC. Saying " I like the fact I can get up in the morning and go to work like everyone else in this world. I am allowed to function as an individual and have found a new confidence and the ability to work with others. I used to be shy and was bullied, I wouldn't say boo to anyone"

Nowadays its the opposite and a real job to stop him jabbering. Sadly for people like Bob, the outside world is not so caring and a lot more demanding.

  • Limited funding precludes us from providing paid employment. In addition Mentors are needed to enable support and coaching opportunities to help deserving folk reach potential.

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Volunteering Opportunities, Interns & Work Experience (Eastbourne)

Work Experience Opportunities for Young and Older

Computers for Charities "Be Part of the Journey"

CfC offering Volunteering, Work Experience & Intern Opportunities age 16+.

Volunteers remain the essential ingredient for all Charities & Voluntary Organisations. Charities and CfC is no different. Need various skills and abilities required to run an organisation. Its not just computers but the whole operation from Admin to being out on the road.

CfC is based in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Its support and services covering the United Kingdom and Overseas. Many volunteering posts as with design, support can be home worked. Others enjoy the opportunity to meet with others and come to the workshop / warehouse.

Time input is down to you. For some a couple of hours per month. Other's it more.

Interested in joining the CfC team. Either call. Simon Tel: 01323 848588 or email: [email protected]

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