Case story: Ali - Uganda
It was just like any other day for nine year old Ali, with not a care in the world the chores all done and time to explore and play in the fields around the village.
Casting an eye around all appeared all so familiar, mum and sisters attending to various tasks around the families mud hut. Dad out in the fields and the various villagers following their varied routines.
The peace remained short lived as the air soon became filled with the sounds of shouting and screaming. Confused and disorientated Ali looked up to see the strangers streaming across the fields towards his home then hacking down his dad and anyone standing in their way.
It seemed an age as he watched frozen with disbelief in the long grass witnessing the rape of his sisters and mother then finally the burning and massacre of not just his entire family but all those remaining in the village on that day.
Ali was abducted and destined to become a child solider by the same people who brutally murdered his parents, sisters and villagers. He was starved, beaten and brutalised but managed to escape. Some might say Ali was lucky, whereas others have been less fortunate in a region where ongoing civil conflict spans decades.
What would you do? Where would you go?
This is a true story. "African Schools on Line" when aiding the development of a schools program in Ali's region were acquainted with his story, which as a consequence has enabled additional training for children's workers plus access to new Trauma counselling services for the many Ali's in regions where such services have never been available. Providing hope and a future.......
Case story: Mimoza - Albania
Blind from birth Mimoza remains an inspirational and amazing lady. Undertaking the 3500 mile round journey from Albania to Sussex, Mimoza appeared at our door seeking assistance to develop her vision.
The "School of Light" a school for blind children and adults was her dream, in a country where disability equated to shame and disadvantage. It took a while but thanks to sponsorship from British Airways and Freedom Scientific donating their Jaws software the "School of Light" became a reality.
Computers for Charities offers an Open door
Such encounters are not reserved for far away places, here in our Sussex workshop we encourage an Open door policy to encourage volunteering / Work experience opportunities.
This approach not only attracts the skilled volunteers, but also in accepting of others covers the wide range of social circumstances and needs. Including: Long term unemployed, Offenders or long term health issues representative of the broad cross section of folk helping the ongoing work and support. Whilst seeking to make a difference for self and others through their labours.